Package Passers
North American Bullet Proof

About Package Passers

Package Passers are devices that allow for the passing of documents or small parcels from a non-secure to a secure area while not compromising the ballistic integrity or security of the device. NABP package passers are simply a four sided box with two doors joined together by a mechanical interlock device that will not allow both doors to be opened at the same time. North American builds the SPP Series Package Passer using powder coated steel and/or stainless steel. The SPP is usually mounted within a ballistically fortified wall or other non-transparent panel or door and is available in UL levels 1-3. Our most common SPP is 18”x18”x18” but as with most NABP products, special or custom sizes or configurations are possible.

NABP also fabricates the TPP Series transparent package passer in performance levels 1-3. The basic principle is the same except that the TPP is made of U.L. Listed plastic. The most common use of the TPP is in Bank Teller Lines where parcels need to be passed while keeping with the clean clear look of the NATL Teller Line.  NABP also fabricates MCP money cart passers that are intended for use where large, heavy bulk packages need to be transferred by way of a cart and are available in all performance levels. Finally, our DPP (drawer package pass) and HPP (hopper package pass) are offered as alternatives and can be mounted within walls or incorporated into a transaction window as custom units.

Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. UL 752, 11th Edition

Rating: Ammunition: Grain: Velocity (fps):Min. - Max. No. No. Shots:
Level 1 9mm FMJ 124 1175 - 1293 3
Level 2 357 Magnum JSP 158 1250 - 1375 3
Level 3 .44 Magnum SWC 240 1350 - 1485 3
Level 4 .30-06 Rifle SP 180 2540 - 2794 1
Level 5 7.62mm Rifle FMJ 150 2750 - 3025 1
Level 6 9mm FMJ 124 1400 - 1540 5
Level 7 5.56 Rifle FMJ 55 3080 - 3388 5
Level 8 7.62mm Rifle FMJ 150 2750 - 3025 5
BS = 00 Buckshot, FMJ = Full Metal Jacket, JSP= Jacketed Soft Point, RS = Rifled Slug; SP = Soft Point, SWC = Semi Wad Cutter

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